
Up to 30% of 本科 program credits and 6 研究生 program credits may be earned through evaluation of learning outside the classroom. Earning credit for prior college-level learning (CPL) saves time and money. 


We assess credit for prior learning in five ways. 有关程序指引,请浏览 本科 and 研究生 这些网页中的先前学习策略, to discuss with your academic advisor early in your studies.

Up to 32 credits may be awarded for specific high school completion programs with European or equivalent advanced high school curriculum. See if your high school study is eligible for advanced standing using our by-country 本科入学 证书评估指南.

Qualifying scores on the following national/international examinations will be articulated as transfer credit.

本科生, completing a standardized exam with outcomes similar to 100 and 200 level classes may earn transfer credit for learning through personal study, 工作或生活经历. Other national or international examinations may also qualify.  


  1. Discuss credit options with your academic advisor before or during your first semester at Andrews University. 
  2. 使用上面的链接查找考试. Be sure you have prior learning to be able to score high on an exam. Then review the equivalency table (links above) to see which course would be articulated for a qualifying score.  
  3. Register online to take an exam at any recognized testing center. CLEP考试可以安排在 bet365中文咨询和测试中心.
  4. Use free official review materials and othe rresources such as 可汗学院.org  或者免费的在线课程(例如.g. 现代联盟课程与每个列出 CLEP考试). 
  5. Request an official transcript sent directly to Under研究生 招生, 行政道4150号, bet365中文 49104.  Scores at or above the Andrews University minimums (see tables linked above) will be articulated with a passing grade. Do this after your first semester but usually within your first year of study at Andrews. Then review passing grades with your academic advisor as petitions may be needed for core requirements that may allow transfer options.

A limited number of 本科 or 研究生 credits may be earned through departmentally constructed written, 口头或技能评估, or professional examinations administered by the department. 例如, modern language proficiency and biblical knowledge may be assessed to earn credits or waive a core or general education requirement.

适用于研究生和本科生学习, some program requirements may be waived or credit awarded in recognition of prior learning through credentials, 专业发展记录, unaccredited college transcripts or certified training.  Validation is the process by which a faculty evaluator reviews substantive evidence, including interview or observation of skill performance. 联系 前期学习主管 or department chair to 了解更多 about how to present documentation for 先验学习验证.

Andrews University may also recognize college-level learning through professional development and training which led to certification, classes or testing recognized by entities such as:

Students may apply for prior learning assessment of personal achievements and professional expertise where no standardized or departmental examination 是可用的. 对于研究生和本科课程:

  • 在职培训可获学分, 社区服务活动, 非信贷类, and/or special accomplishments which provide evidence of learning aligned with specific class outcomes.
  • Evaluations are done on a course-by-course basis through portfolios including reflections on what was learned and documentation of college level learning aligned with specific class outcomes.
  • Talk with your academic advisor first, then work with the 前期学习主管 to determine whether an Andrews University faculty evaluator 是可用的 or working through CAEL is best.
  • A portfolio may be submitted after completing twelve or more college credits and prior to completing the last twelve credits in a program of study. 
  • 使用学习记叙文cklist 可以在这里 和之前的学习组合教练见面 to prepare, submit, and track your portfolio to credit award and payment of the portfolio fee.

你可以获得多少学分? 使用这个免费的信用预测工具. 

平均, adults who return to college earn 12 or more credits for prior college level learning, with a maximum of 38 credits at the bachelor's level, 副学士水平的17个本科学分, 研究生阶段12个学分. This saves adult students nine to 14 months, and thousands of dollars. 回顾CAEL的国家研究 了解更多.

以前学习的学分可以转换吗?  As the decision to award credit for prior learning is determined by each college or university, internally evaluated CPL credits (departmental challenge exams, 验证, 投资组合评估)不能转移. Externally evaluated credits earned through advanced placement and 标准化考试 may be evaluated similarly by other universities.