Griggs & Bell Hall Room Reservations

Terms & Conditions

All reservations begin by contacting the Griggs & Bell Hall Facilities Manager, Rose Warner. Email or call (269) 471-6281.

Andrews University (the “University”) agrees to rent to Renter, and Renter accepts rental of, 按下列条款和条件租用指定设施:

  1. 承租人同意保护大学不受伤害,并赔偿和保护大学免受任何和所有损害赔偿或费用索赔, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and litigation costs, 与任何人员受伤(包括死亡)或大学财产损坏(包括损失)或因承租人使用本表格中所述设施而造成的其他损害有关或引起的损害, its agents, employees, representatives, or invitees, 只要伤害或损害不是由大学或其代理人的过失造成的, employees, representatives or invitees.
  2. Reservation fees are as follows:
    FOR BELL HALL: There is a $125 key deposit.  Contact Rose Warner at to arrange payment. The check will be held until you return the key. 如果钥匙没有归还,我们将在您的活动一周后兑现支票.

    FOR GRIGGS & BELL HALL: A fee of $50 per event is due for each rental approved to non-university groups or university personnel for personal use; rental is free for faculty and staff reserving rooms for university business. 取消活动须于活动前最少一个工作天提出,以退还租金. 修理或更换在合理使用情况下损坏的物品的费用, is covered by the rental fee. 因设备或财产误用而更换或修理物品的费用, as well as any cleaning after an event, will be charged to the IDC # provided. Renter agrees to pay all fees in a timely manner. 对于逾期付款,大学保留终止合同的权利. 租赁者承担房屋损坏的经济责任, equipment, or furnishings during use. University assumes no liability for loss by any cause, including, but not limited to, theft or damage, to any vehicles, equipment, furnishings, 或其他属于承租人或其管理人员的个人财产, employees, agents, or invitees.
  3. In accordance with our property insurance, 任何非大学赞助的活动都需要保险证书. 例子包括教堂、学校、企业、会议、营地. The COI must have a policy limit of a minimum of $1,000,000 and name Andrews University as additionally insured.  在特殊的措辞部分,它应该说明是什么事件被保险.  COI应在活动前一周提交给设施经理(bet365中文如下)进行核实.
    This includes personal rentals for employees and students, for events such as birthday or graduation parties, wedding receptions, recitals, etc. Departments that want to utilize space on campus are exempt.
  4. 学生俱乐部和组织已获得SILA事先批准, with a menu, food preparation and distribution plan, 是否允许供应需要温度控制以保持安全标准的食品, 前提是在校园中心以外的校园地点进行.  在这种情况下,必须在活动前至少14天获得SILA的事先批准. 请与负责学生参与、领导的副院长联系 & Activities regarding food preparation. 
  5. Technology arrangements are as follows:
    FOR GRIGGS HALL: 安排房间租赁的联系人也负责通过邮件安排所需的技术 Rooms will be unlocked by Campus Safety for the hours reserved.
    FOR BELL HALL:  No technology options are available. Exterior doors will be unlocked by Campus Safety. Interior Doors are open by a key.
  6. Room rental excludes guest services. Please ensure guests have the following information:
    • Provide your contact information, both during and after hours
    • Griggs Hall A地下室:与Custodial (x3440)合作,设置和拆卸50把椅子和8张桌子
    • Notify the Building Manager (x6281), of any maintenance issues during office hours; contact Campus Safety (x3321) after hours.
  7. 谁住过Griggs Hall A地下室,是否推荐.  请勿使用存放的物品,使用后请清理干净.  Wipe counters and tables.  Place trash in bin outside the kitchen. Vacuum messes, using the vacuum cleaner in the kitchen. 如果需要保管时间来清理您的团队留下的未完成的东西,将收取所提供的付款方式.  
  8. 请通知客人,格里格斯或贝尔大厅不提供免费打印服务.
  9. Renter shall not use, or permit others to use, 设施内的任何仪器或设备,但本协议明确规定的除外.
  10. 租赁者必须在租赁期内留在租赁地. 出租方负责所有参与者的出入口.
  11. 承租人同意不允许任何其他组织参与使用所描述的设施.
  12. 只有合同中明确指明的地点可供使用, and only for the use set forth in the rental application.
  13. 出租人不得对任何设施进行任何改动或改进, without the express written consent of University, 大学可自行决定准许或拒绝哪些同意. 未经事先批准,不得移动现有的装饰或陈设. 不得使用任何会标记或损坏建筑物任何部分的紧固件. Painter’s tape may be used in moderation.
  14. 在合同期限结束时,所有设施必须保持清洁和良好的秩序. 家具、设备和所有其他物品必须放回原来的位置.
  15. 大学将不允许使用其名称为未经大学授权和赞助的项目征集资金或其他支持. 使用其设施也不意味着对参与使用其设施的组织的普遍赞同.
  16. No smoking is permitted within University buildings. 禁止大麻,非法物质,酒精或武器进入大学财产.
  17. 这些设施的所有活动必须符合基督复临安息日会的标准, 包括从周五日落到日落安息日的安息日时间. 未能准确列出与租赁请求一起计划的活动将对未来的请求产生负面影响.
  18. CEIS保留拒绝任何使用格里格斯/贝尔大厅设施的请求的权利,如果它认为不符合基督复临标准或干扰其自己的使用.
  19. 不遵守任何这些规则和条例可能导致立即取消合同.